Library DProp.Prop

Require Import String.
Require Import DProp.Tactics.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.


We ask Coq to infer that equality of sentences is decidable
Scheme Equality for sentence.
Check sentence_eq_dec. (* : : forall x y : sentence, {x = y} + {x <> y} *)

We'll give names to a few of the variables for convenience...
(* Notation " n " := (p_var n). *)
Notation "'P'" := (p_var 0).
Notation "'Q'" := (p_var 1).
Notation "'R'" := (p_var 2).

... and set up some pleasant notations. Notice some of these notations define new connectives, like disjunction, in terms of simpler ones.
These notations use Unicode. Proof General and CoqIDE both support quick Unicode entry by typing TeX-like strings, see
Notation "⊤" := (p_top). (* \top *)
Notation "x ∧ y" := (p_conj x y) (at level 50). (* \land or \wedge *)
Notation "¬ x" := (p_neg x) (at level 10). (* \neg *)
Notation "⊥" := (¬ ). (* \bot *)
Notation "x ∨ y" := (¬ x ¬ y)) (at level 50). (* \lor or \vee *)
Notation "x ⇒ y" := (¬ x y) (at level 70). (* \Rightarrow *)

Next we define the semantics of our language. We want to translate sentences into Coq-level propositions, i.e. elements of type Prop. You might expect to use bool here instead. Both choices "work," but using Prop is more general and more natural for the metatheory we build here today, and ultimately it better captures the idea that a semantics maps object-level propositions into host-level propositions. Further information about this topic is provided below.
A valuation might also be called an interpretation or a model, especially in the context of higher-order logics.
Notice that we require a valuation to come with a proof that the propositional symbols of our language are mapped to propositions for which the excluded middle is provable (or taken as an axiom). This is necessary for our logic to be sound, which is discussed in the section on proof theory.
Class valuation : Type :=
  { val : nat -> Prop
  ; excluded_middle : forall n, val n \/ ~ (val n)

This coercion tells Coq that we can use a valuation as a function nat -> Prop by using its val field, for convenience.
Coercion val : valuation >-> Funclass.

Model theory

We define a recursive function, denotation, which translates sentences to "actual" propositions, meaning types whose sort is Prop.
Another good name for this function could be "is_true" or "translation." Notice that any valuation v defines a subset denotation v of sentences, namely the "true" ones.
Fixpoint denotation (v : valuation) (s : sentence) : Prop :=
  match s with
  | p_top => True
  | p_var x => val x
  | p_conj s1 s2 => denotation v s1 /\ denotation v s2
  | p_neg s1 => not (denotation v s1)

Hereafter we let denotation take the valuation as an implicit argument. This follows common mathematical practice in which one generally assumes some valuation is clear from the context.
Arguments denotation {v} s.

Notation "⟦ ϕ ⟧" := (denotation ϕ). (* \llbracket and \rrbracket *)

The law of excluded middle extends to the entire language straightforwardly.
Lemma full_lem : forall {v : valuation}, forall ϕ, ϕ \/ ¬ ϕ .
  intros v ϕ. induction ϕ.
  - simpl. intuition.
  - exact (excluded_middle n).
  - simpl. intuition.
  - simpl. intuition.

This tactic splits a (Coq-level) proof into two cases: one in which ϕ is true and one in which it is false.
Ltac lem ϕ := destruct (full_lem ϕ).

Sample usage of the lem tactic.
Goal forall ϕ, forall v : valuation, ϕ \/ ¬ ϕ .
  lem ϕ.
  - left. auto.
  - right. auto.

In this file, we're not very interested in individual valuations. Instead, we would like to define a notion of "truth" which abstracts over the valuation, capturing the idea that a sentence is true under every possible interpretation.
Definition tautology (ϕ : sentence) := forall v : valuation, ϕ .

The universal quantifier---the dependent product---can be thought of as a kind of infinite conjunction asserting the truth of ϕ under every interpretation.
But we aren't just interested in tautologies. Often we want to restrict our attention to only those valuations which make certain pre-chosen sentences true. We develop this idea now.
A set of sentences is satisfied or modeled by a valuation if all of its elements are true under that valuation. Elements of Γ may also be called "axioms."
Definition models (v : valuation) (Γ : list sentence) : Prop :=
  forall ϕ, List.In ϕ Γ -> ϕ .

A valuation that models Γ is called a model, unsurprisingly.
Definition model Γ := { v : valuation | models v Γ }.

A set of axioms entails a sentence when that sentence is true under all valuations that also satisfy the axioms, i.e. all models. This relation also known as semantic consequence or logical consequence.
We might also read this definition as a restricted variant of tautology that intersects only over that subset of valuations which satisfy Γ. This property is sometimes known as being /valid/ for Γ (but this word is sometimes used differently). When we formalize our proof system, the most ideal outcome is that the provable formulas are precisely the valid ones.
Definition entails (Γ : list sentence) (ϕ : sentence) :=
  forall v, models v Γ -> ϕ .

Notation "Γ ⊧ ϕ" := (entails Γ ϕ) (at level 70).

Hint Unfold tautology : dp.
Hint Unfold models : dp.
Hint Unfold entails : dp.

Use the following tactic to quickly get rid unfold many definitions.
Tactic Notation "unf" := (repeat autounfold with dp in *).

Exercise 1 (easy): Prove that a sentence is a tautology if and only if it is entailed by the empty set of axioms.
Note: This is almost true by definition, but formalizing logics in Coq often means proving such "obvious" facts.
Theorem exercise1 : forall ϕ, tautology ϕ <-> nil ϕ.

Exercise 2 (easy): Prove the following tautology.
Theorem exercise2 : forall ϕ : sentence, tautology (ϕ ¬ ϕ).

Exercise 3 (medium): Have we formalized implication correctly? Check our work by proving if x y is true and x is true, then y is true.
Hint: Use the lem tactic to do case analysis on Q. You may want to Unset Printing Notations.
Theorem exercise3 : forall (v : valuation), P Q /\ P -> Q .

Logically equivalent formulas are those which have the same denotation under every interpretation. Since we are interpreting into Prop, rather than bool, we define this notion using biconditionality (at the Coq level) rather than equality of boolean values, but the idea is the same.
Definition equivalent ϕ ψ := forall (v : valuation), ϕ <-> ψ .

Exercise 4 (easy): Prove that P and P are semantically equivalent.
Theorem exercise4 : equivalent P (P ).

Exercise 5 (medium): Prove that P and P ¬ are semantically equivalent. Use lem P.
Theorem exercise5 : equivalent P (P ¬ ).

Exercise 6 (hard): Why did the last exercise require law of excluded middle, when Coq trivially proves the following intuitionistic tautology? Can you prove (with pen and paper, not in Coq) that the last exercise cannot be completed without LEM?
Goal forall p : Prop, p <-> (p \/ ~ True).

Proof theory

This section explores basic proof theory. The goal is to define a particular syntactical notion called "proof," where each proof is associated with a formula called its "conclusion." Formulas with proofs are "theorems." Later, our primary goal will be to show that a formula ϕ is entailed by Γ precisely if there is a proof with conclusion ϕ using only axioms from Γ, i.e. the theorems are exactly the valid statements. (Many logics do not have this strong property, but propositional logic does.)
The following proof system is a natural deduction, which is essentially the type system of the simply typed lambda calculus. However, we are not formalizing lambda terms here, only the type inhabitation property itself. To be precise, you might call this a version of natural deduction with localized hypotheses, but without proof objects.
The distinguishing feature of natural deduction is that each logical connective is defined by introduction and elimination rules. Another common system is a "sequent calculus," which looks visually similar but is subtly different. A sequent calculus would better highlight the symmetries of logic and lend itself better to automated proof search and inversion lemmas (discussed briefly in the section on incompleteness).

Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ ϕ" (at level 90).
Inductive provable (Γ : list sentence) : sentence -> Prop :=
| j_var : forall ϕ, List.In ϕ Γ -> Γ ϕ
| j_conj_intro : forall ϕ ψ, Γ ϕ -> Γ ψ -> Γ ϕ ψ
| j_conj_elim1 : forall ϕ ψ, Γ ϕ ψ -> Γ ϕ
| j_conj_elim2 : forall ϕ ψ, Γ ϕ ψ -> Γ ψ
| j_neg_intro : forall ϕ, ϕ :: Γ -> Γ ¬ ϕ
| j_neg_elim : forall ϕ ψ, Γ ϕ -> Γ ¬ ϕ -> Γ ψ
| j_raa: forall ϕ, (¬ ϕ :: Γ ¬ ) -> Γ ϕ
| j_top_intro : Γ
where "Γ ⊢ ϕ" := (provable Γ ϕ).

The next two lemmas are fundamental properties of most logics. Substitution shows that provable hypotheses are redundant. Weakening says unused hypotheses are okay and plays an important role in proving substitution.
Lemma weakening : forall Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 ϕ,
    Γ1 ++ Γ2 ϕ ->
    Γ1 ++ Γ3 ++ Γ2 ϕ.
  intros ? ? ? ? .
  remember (Γ1 ++ Γ2) as Γ.
  generalize dependent Γ1.
  induction ; intros; subst.
  - apply j_var.
    rewrite ?List.in_app_iff in *.
  - apply j_conj_intro; auto.
  - eapply j_conj_elim1. eauto.
  - eapply j_conj_elim2. eauto.
  - eapply j_neg_intro.
    specialize (IHHϕ (ϕ :: Γ1)). simpl in *. auto.
  - eapply j_neg_elim. eapply IHHϕ1; reflexivity. auto.
  - eapply j_raa. specialize (IHHϕ (¬ ϕ :: Γ1)).
    simpl in *. eauto.
  - apply j_top_intro.

To picture substitution, imagine a natural deduction derivation D that uses of ψ using hypotheses from Γ1, Γ2, and ϕ. Given a natural deduction derivation E of ϕ, picture "moving up" the tree of D and finding all leaves that introduce the axiom ϕ, and replace them with E. Through Curry-Howard, this is essentially function evaluation.
Lemma substitution : forall Γ1 ϕ Γ2 ψ,
    Γ1 ++ (ϕ :: Γ2) ψ ->
    Γ2 ϕ ->
    Γ1 ++ Γ2 ψ.
  intros ? ? ? ? J1 J2.
  remember ( Γ1 (ϕ :: Γ2)).
  generalize dependent Γ1.
  induction J1; intros Γ1 Eq; subst.
  - destruct (sentence_eq_dec ϕ ϕ0).
    { (* Equal *)
      replace (Γ1 ++ Γ2) with (nil ++ Γ1 ++ Γ2) by (rewrite app_nil_l; auto).
      apply weakening. rewrite app_nil_l. auto. }
    { (* Unequal *)
      apply j_var.
      rewrite ?List.in_app_iff in *.
      destruct H; try tauto.
      inversion H; subst. contradiction. tauto. }
  - apply j_conj_intro; auto.
  - eapply j_conj_elim1; auto.
  - eapply j_conj_elim2; auto.
  - apply j_neg_intro. specialize (IHJ1 (ϕ0 :: Γ1)). simpl in *. eauto.
  - apply j_neg_elim with (ϕ := ϕ0); auto.
  - apply j_raa.
    specialize (IHJ1 (¬ ϕ0 :: Γ1)). simpl in *. eauto.
  - apply j_top_intro.

Relating proofs to truths

The following exercise is mostly straightforward but requires a good grasp on the definitions in play. By unfolding the definitions, we see that soundness is a computation with two inputs:
  • a "proofs" of a "proposition"
  • a model of the axioms Γ
and the output is exactly a (Coq-level) proof of the (Coq-level) proposition which interprets the "proposition" in that model!
Exercise 7 (medium/hard): Prove that all sentences provable from Γ are logically entailed by Γ.
The negation introduction and reductio ad absurdum cases may require some pen-and-paper thinking. You will certainly need to use the lem tactic at some point.
Theorem soundness : forall Γ ϕ, (Γ ϕ) -> Γ ϕ.

Our next theorem is the converse of soundness, known as semantic completeness. It states that logically valid sentences have proofs. There is another notion of completeness ("syntactical (in)completeness") discussed later. It is sometimes clear from context which notion of completeness one has in mind, since well-known logics have equally well-known completeness properties, but this can also be a source of confusion to newcomers. The reader is advised to be very careful when reading discussions of this topic on the internet, which are frequently confusing and often simply incorrect.
Many logics do not have semantic completeness. Fortunately, propositional logic is one of the logics with this property. Unfortunately, proving this is difficult, even for such a simple system. In fact, that we won't even try to prove it in Coq. You are encouraged to attempt it to find where the difficulty lies.
Why should this be hard to prove? Consider the premise: In all valuations satisfying every sentence of Γ, ϕ is true. This quite abstract condition is a statement about truth tables. If we read the statement of completeness as the type of a constructive proof in Coq, we find a challenging problem: "Given the fact that all rows of a truth table that happen to satisfy each formula in Γ also satisfy ϕ, find a natural deduction derivation of ϕ."
Notice the premise gives us almost no information about ϕ, not even its basic structure. The sentences of Γ may also be very complex, perhaps more complex than ϕ, so they don't necessary tell us anything about ϕ's subformulas. In fact, while ϕ may be true under every Γ-satisfying valuation, each Γ-satisfying row of the truth table might make ϕ true "for different reasons," so to speak (try some examples). Where do we get started?
Nonetheless, this theorem is true, and can even be proved constructively. For now, we admit it without proof.
Theorem completeness : forall Γ ϕ, Γ ϕ -> Γ ϕ.
  intros Γ ϕ.
  intros mod.
  (* ????????????????????????????? *)

Exercise 8 (easy? hard?): Attempt to prove the following: "There is a sentence of propositional logic that is neither provable nor disprovable from the empty set of axioms."
Use the formula P (a simple propositional variable) as ϕ. Attempt to prove this by induction on the derivation of P. A template has been provided. What happens?
Theorem syntactical_incompleteness : exists ϕ, not (nil ϕ) /\ not (nil ¬ ϕ).
  exists P.
  split; intro J.
  - Case "P is not provable".
We want to scrutinize the supposed derivation of P. If we just do induction J, Coq will automatically generalize over the context and conclusion P, as if were trying to show there are no proofs of anything. To avoid this silly behavior, we tell Coq to remember both the conclusion P and the emptiness of the context. We also discharge trivial cases instantly.
    Ltac cleanup := repeat match goal with | H : _ |- _ => specialize (H eq_refl) end.
    remember nil as empty; remember P as conc;
      induction J; subst; cleanup.
    + SCase "j_var".
      (* for you to finish *)
    + SCase "j_conj_intro".
      (* contradiction, the conclusions don't match *)
      inversion Heqconc.
    + SCase "j_conj_elim1".
      (* Why doesn't the induction hypothesis apply?
         What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_conj_elim2".
      (* Same story as above. *)
    + SCase "j_neg_intro".
      (* contradiction, the conclusions don't match *)
      inversion Heqconc.
    + SCase "j_neg_elim".
      (* Why doesn't the induction hypothesis apply?
         What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_raa".
      (* Why doesn't the induction hypothesis apply?
         What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_top_intro".
      (* contradiction, the conclusions don't match *)
      inversion Heqconc.
  - Case "~ P is not provable".
    remember nil as empty; remember (¬ P) as conc;
    induction J; subst; cleanup.
    + SCase "j_var".
      (* for you to finish *)
    + SCase "j_conj_intro".
      (* contradiction, the conclusions don't match *)
      inversion Heqconc.
    + SCase "j_conj_elim1".
      (* What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_conj_elim2".
      (* Same story as above. *)
    + SCase "j_neg_intro".
      inversion Heqconc. subst; clear Heqconc.
      (* What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why? *)
    + SCase "j_neg_elim".
      (* What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_raa".
      (* What happens if you try inversion on the J? Why?

    + SCase "j_top_intro".
      (* contradiction, the conclusions don't match *)
      inversion Heqconc.

Exercise 9 (easy): What do the hard cases above have in common? (Hint: Look at the names of the rules that caused us difficulty.).
The theorem above seems obvious, but it is hard to show by examining proof trees. The trouble is that in each elimination rule, we cannot be confident that the rule used to prove the hypothesis is a corresponding introduction rule. Indeed, it might not be: Perhaps we prove P by proving P /\ Q, and perhaps to prove /that/ we use reductio ad absurdum (for example). Can you rule this out?
Although implication is not defined primitively, it is an illustrative example: Perhaps we prove P by showing Q P and Q. How can we rule this out? Fundamentally we need a cut-elimination theorem, specifically the corollary of a canonical form lemma (or inversion lemma). This would justify a more controlled case analysis by showing, without loss of generality, that we may assume proofs are of a particularly simple form.
We won't prove this hard theorem here. Instead, we can show the above theorem by using soundness: We cannot prove P because it is not true in all models!
Exercise 10 (medium): Prove the following statement using the two constant valuations defined above.
Theorem syntactical_incompleteness : exists ϕ, not (nil ϕ) /\ not (nil ¬ ϕ).


Understanding Incompleteness

So how can we understand Gödel's incompleteness theorem?
Let's imagine starting over at the beginning. Suppose instead of formalizing propositional logic, we allowed propositions to vary over tuples of /terms/, as well as introducing quantifiers. This would be first-order logic (FOL).
Formalizing the syntax is not particularly hard (albeit tedious). The semantics are also straightforward: The valuation primarily consists of a type D called the /domain/, with constants mapped to terms of D, and functions denoting Coq-level functions over D. Finally, relations will denote subsets of D (e.g., binary relations are of type D -> D -> Prop.
The proof rules are also not too complicated: To prove a universally quantified sentence, give a natural deduction proof of the body after substitution by a fresh variable known as a /parameter/. Existentials are proved by proving the body for an arbitrary closed term.
It turns out, this logic is also complete: if ϕ is true in all models satisfying Γ, there is a natural deduction proof of ϕ using the set Γ as axioms. This is Gödel's completeness theorem. First order logic is essentially the strongest logic that can have this property, as provability (as a semi-decidable property) is too weak to properly capture the semantics of higher logics.
Finally, instead of considering an arbitrary Γ, consider a particular set of sentences called the /Peano axioms/. (This set is actually infinite due to the induction schema, so we would need to tweak our definitions to handle this.) This combination of first-order logic with a fixed set Γ of Peano axioms is first-order Peano arithmetic. Coq's natural numbers type nat is a model of this theory, but one can show there are other models. Gödel proved the following fact (actually, Gödel's theorem is significantly more general. But the following is a corollary.): There is a sentence ϕ of the language which is:
  • True, in the sense that it is true when interpreted into the model given by nat.
  • Unprovable: There is no natural deduction derivation of this sentence.
Since Gödel also proved first-order logic is complete, as an instant corollary we see ϕ is:
  • invalid: There are models in Coq of first-order Peano arithmetic in which the sentence is not true.
This last fact is somewhat of a coincidence. Gödel's incompleteness theorem applies equally to say, second-order arithmetic. That theory also has a (different!) sentence which is true when interpreted into Coq's nat type, but unprovable in this theory. However, this sentence is valid because second order arithmetic has only one model, nat, in which the sentence is true.

Why is incompleteness important? Or is it?

Clearly, syntactical incompleteness is not generally surprising. For instance
  • Coq is incomplete because it neither proves nor disproves LEM
  • Group theory is incomplete because it neither proves nor disproves the commutativity property
  • Propositional logic is incomplete because it neither proves nor disproves any atomic propositional symbol P
It is somewhat surprising that Peano arithmetic is incomplete, because it is not at all obvious which properties of nat are being left out. What else can we add? But it's still not terribly hard to understand, either.
But Gödel's theorem says a lot more than this, because the real theorem proves that **any** theory of natural numbers is incomplete, provided:
  • we can recognize valid proofs when we see them
  • the theory can prove basic facts (things which can be proved without even using induction)
Surely it is reasonable to say Gödel's theorem proves the incompleteness of any reasonable number theory. It is the fundamental inability to ever form a complete number theory which is so surprising.
Furthermore, some additional logic from Gödel proves that such a theory cannot prove its own consistency. But why do we care? After all, if we don't trust a logic, then we would never trust such a proof of consistency in the first place. The answer is simple: Because if arithmetic can't prove the consistency of itself, obviously it could never prove the consistency of all of mathematics! This effectively invalidates Hilbert's program to "finitize" mathematics.

Does this mean natural numbers can't be defined?

Not in any mathematical sense. Coq can prove the uniqueness of nat with some ease. ZFC (set theory) can also prove that there is a set, omega, with the properties of natural numbers which is unique up to ordinal isomorphism. If we upgrade first-order Peano arithmetic to its second-order version, both Coq and ZFC (etc.) prove that there is exactly one type/set that can model this theory, so the valid first-order statements of second-order Peano arithmeitic are precisely the "true" facts about natural numbers (that are definable in first-order logic). Unfortunately, this instantly proves second-order logic lacks the completeness property of first-order logic, since the provable sentences of second-order P.A. must be a strict subset of the true ones.
And so provided you are willing to work within a powerful theory like Coq, there is absolutely a unique "thing" called the natural numbers. It just happens that there will be some sentence of our logic that we cannot prove, even though it is true if you interpret your metalogic as a formal theory (inside some other theory).

Interpreting into Prop and bool

You might expect that we would translate propositional logic into bool instead. This would work for most purposes, and might better align with your normal intuition for propositional logic, but there are several reasons to prefer translation into Prop over bool:
1.) Due to Coq's constructive nature, we can only write functions of type sentence -> bool that we can compute. This means we can only describe computable models in Coq, which rules out much of mathematics if you extend this to higher-order logics. In the best case scenario, this is just an artificial limitation on which individual models we can define in Coq. In some scenarios, it might limit what we can prove about the metatheory, since we can't describe uncomputable counterexamples, for example.
2.) Ultimately a semantics **must** map object-level propositions into meta-level propositions, since X ϕ is a proposition in the host logic--that's the whole point. If we used a boolean valued semantics in Coq, the notion X ϕ must be understood as the Coq-level proposition ϕ = 1 (for valuations satisfying X), which means our boolean-semantics must be composed with the function fun b : bool => b = true : bool -> Prop. Again, this "works," but it is somewhat awkward for some purposes in Coq.
A bool-valued semantics might be preferred if we want to compute with propositional logic (such as to model circuits), but our perspective is that Prop-valued interpretations are the more general approach, and more illuminating when understanding the relationship between the host and guest logics. This approach is called algebraic semantics, and with propositional logic it means our valuatons can be any Boolean-algebra homomorphism. Using bool is then a kind of degenerate case.
How is our approach more general? Consider that ⟦ p → p ⟧ is a propositional tautology, and accordingly p p is provable in Coq no matter what Prop we assign to p, even if that proposition is not itself provable in Coq. This illustrates that the soundness of propositional logic does not depend on the fact that we often study computable models of this logic.
However, there are some caveats to the algebraic approach in Coq:
1. We must assume LEM, or at least assume (or prove) this property for every valuation we consider in order to have soundness. This is a result of interpreting propositional logic into a constructive logic.
2. If we want to "count" valuations (common when thinking about circuits), the right notion of equivalence between two valuations is that two interpretations yield equi-provable sentences in Coq. Different valuations are rarely literally equal.